Saturday, September 28, 2013

Professional HW #8: No More Mr. Nice Guy

  1. Is the space in your game discrete or continuous?
  2. How many dimensions does your space have? 
  3. What are the boundaries of your space? 
  4. How many verbs do your players (characters) have? What are they? 
  5. How many objects can each verb act on? What are these objects? 
  6. How many ways can players achieve their goals
  7. How many subjects do the players control? What are these subjects? 
  8. How do side effects change constraints. 
  9. What are the operative actions in your game? 
  10. What are the resultant actions in your game? 
  11. What actions would you like your players to do that they cannot presently do? (based on your current knowledge of Blender)
  12. What is the ultimate goal of your game? 
  13. Are there short and long term goals? What are they? 
  14. How do you plan to make the game goals known and understood by the player? 
  15. What are the foundational rules of your game? 
  16. How are these rules enforced? 
  17. Does your game develop real skills? What are they? 
  18. Does your game develop virtual skills? What are they?

1. The space game has continuous space because you can be at any point in the level; it has discrete space in the sense that you can only be on this level or the other level.
2. The space game is best thought about in 2-D since the view a movements are restricted to up-down-left-right.
3. The boundaries are the level edges located at the beginning, end, top and ground floor of the level.
4. The space character has four verbs: swinging and throwing, moving and jumping.
5. The verbs can act on 2 types of objects: the aliens for swinging and throwing, and the ground for moving and jumping.
6. The player can take a number of n paths to reach or achieve his goal depending on the level design.
7. The player controls 1 subject, the astronaut character.
8. If a player kills an enemy in his way, he can now go through that path.
9. The space character has four operative actions: swinging and throwing, moving and jumping.
10. The resultant actions in the space game are killing, fighting, and capturing.
11. I would like the players to run the game with my game engine instead.
12. The ultimate goal is to defeat the aliens.
13. The short term goals are to kill aliens and beat the level. The long term goal is to conquer the aliens.
14. To make the goals/rules known to the player, a short text describing the goals/rules will be available to them.
15. The foundational rules of the game are: you can only move in 2-D, you cannot walk through objects, and you have to beat a level to move to the next one.
16. The rules are enforced through super legit code.
17. The game develops hand eye coordination.
18. The game doesn't develop any virtual skills.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Professional HW #7: The Haunting

I made a whole new type of game on this assignment. Get ready for this because I know you are not ready. It's new; it's cool; it's hip; it's a first person snowBALLER. Possibly the most brilliant idea of its time, the snowballer concept was brought to life fully by humanitarian and mastermind Evan Baad.

The First Person Snowballer (FPS) has all the necessary gadgets for this assignment.

PARENTING - An empty is the parent of the character and the camera, for super synchronous movement (SSM).

ANIMATION - When pressing spacebar, the sword will swing!

LINKING FROM ANOTHER FILE - I imported the sword from my last assignment, to be used for MASSIVE DAMAGES.

MATERIALS - I used materials to put our hero in a winter wonderland with blue n' stuff.

HOW 2 USE IN GAME - I will use my massive damages sword animation for the space gayme (game). Also, my super heroic snowBALLER character might be used in the space gayme as well.

Download blend file

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Professional HW #6: The Dangerous

  1. Four each of the four elements of the Tetrad, explain how it is addressed by your game. If one of the four elements is not used, please state this. 
  2. Do the four (or less) elements work towards a current theme? 
  3. In your own words, describe the meaning of a "theme", and how does it differ from an "experience" (see book for examples in Chapters 2 and 5. 
  4. What is your game's theme? 
  5. What are the elements in your game that are meant to reinforce this theme? 
  6. What is it about your game that you feel makes it special and powerful?

Mechanics - To move around, the player uses the WASD keys. The game is locked for  movement only in two dimensions, in order to make the game play mechanics simpler for the user. Attack mechanisms activated with mouse clicks.

Story - Since it is a fighting game, the story revolves around a conflict with an alien race that you ultimately destroy.  A theme that makes the player care about the story and makes them want to play the game is,  "what would it be like to fight in space?".  Probably no one that plays this game has ever had the experience of fighting in space, but they can imagine what it would be like, so it still relates to them and gives the an experience they never had before.

Aesthetics - The aesthetics in our game are meant to make it look like you are in space or on a low gravity moon.  For example, in order to immerse the player in a space environment, the floor is textured with moon rock, and the background is black with stars in the sky.

Technology - Since guns do not work in space, the fighter can only use mechanical weapons, ie. swords, spears, hammers.

They all work towards showing the player what it would be like to fight in space.

A theme is a concept that is constant throughout the experience.  Experiences can be different depending on many things, ie. the current level, the type of weapon used; but the theme is present throughout the entire experience and helps the player get immersed in the game.

What it would be like to fight in space?

Everything reinforces the theme really, from the fighting style to the models and textures.

Probably no one that plays this game has ever had the experience of fighting in space, but they can imagine what it would be like, so it still relates to them and gives the an experience they never had before.

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Professional HW #5: The Dastardly

As a professional blenderist (blender artist), I have created what is possibly the most complex blenderation (blender creation) of its time. I created a python script to restrict blender to only allow move in 2 dimensions. I also created a camera in such a way that it tracks the movement of the objects in 2-D. This is useful if you want to make a 2-D platformer style game. I had to learn how rotation matrices work to create the script, so now i am the only conceivable expert in matrixology (matrix math).

In the test scene I made, you can move a ball around to push other physics objects. One of the physics objects in a sword I created for my game. The camera is switched into the active scene with a python script (add object functionality), so that it is always facing the target being controlled..

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

Proffesional HW #4: The Red Robin

  1. Do you love your project/game. If not, how can that be changed? 
  2. Does the team as a whole love the project? If not, what can be done? 
  3. Are the team members communicating with each other?
  4. Does the team have a regular meeting schedule? What is that schedule? 
  5. Describe the modes of communication between the team members. 
  6. Regarding game documents, what must be remembered while designing your game? 

Good question Gordon.  I do not love the current idea. It is not unique in my opinion. However, I would love to create a multiplayer fighting game with big explosions and lots of people flying everywhere. I think if I could do that I would love the game (not like love love, but just a soft i respect you kind of love).

I feel like Jack loves the idea because it originally came from him and it is something he had been thinking about for a while. I think Mish feels like the idea is his own because of his generous and creative contributions to it. The third member (I think his name is Shaq), has been a major decision maker in the final decision of the idea aswell, however, I do not know if he loves it. I'll ask Shaq next time I see him.

We did the initial meeting from HW, and we have each other's phone numbers. I feel like most of us have become friends because we all have this project in common with each other. I communicate with Jack mostly, because he tends to contact the rest of the group on important things like meeting times. He is pretty much the leader.

Nope, unless you count after class. Maybe we should have one of those.

Call/text, google doc notebook, after class, email, and TODO lists.

Humans have terrible memory, so write that down in the game document. Communication is good too, so people clear about what they are doing.

Professional HW #3: Before and Rafter

Description of what I made:

How this fits into my game:
The player will use the sword to cut you.

Download my sword: