Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Professional HW #5: The Dastardly

As a professional blenderist (blender artist), I have created what is possibly the most complex blenderation (blender creation) of its time. I created a python script to restrict blender to only allow move in 2 dimensions. I also created a camera in such a way that it tracks the movement of the objects in 2-D. This is useful if you want to make a 2-D platformer style game. I had to learn how rotation matrices work to create the script, so now i am the only conceivable expert in matrixology (matrix math).

In the test scene I made, you can move a ball around to push other physics objects. One of the physics objects in a sword I created for my game. The camera is switched into the active scene with a python script (add object functionality), so that it is always facing the target being controlled..

1 comment:

  1. Good job! You knew blender before this class? Also, could you have a picture instead of link in your blog, and then if I click the picture, one goes to the video? It would make the blog nicer to look at. Thanks.
